About Us

Our Mission:

“Our PTSA partners with our teachers and community to support our school in providing the best educational experience for our children.   Commit to being a part of our children’s future!”

Our Goals:

A.     Membership

  • 10% increase of enrolled students over last school year.
  • 100% of staff/teachers (same as last year).
  • Market to families the ability to sponsor another family for a PTSA membership.


B.      Communication
Empower and educate the Fall City Elementary School community on the importance of supporting PTSA funded activities.

  • Survey parents and teachers.
  • Create a visual aide of spending and shortfalls.
  • Draft value messages for being a PTSA member.  “Volunteer Badges-Ask me about PTSA”.
  • Be more effective in our communications. Improve marketing of PTSA general meetings and alternate times of meetings.


C.      Fundraising
Fund existing budgeted items through the following fundraising activities:

  • Walkathon
  • No Effort Fundraising
  • Grants
    • Research requirements for applying for grants for our school.
    • Select 2-3 grants we can apply for that would fund student enrichment activities for our school.
  • Create back up plan of activities to do if we fall short in funding existing budgeted items through planned fundraisers listed above.


D.     Community
Empower and educate committee chairs and teachers on the importance of expanding our reach outside Fall City Elementary School to the community to help meet our goals.

  • Fall City Community (Safety Committee, Senior Centers, May Day Walk).
  • High School students-Literacy for Life and Build and Share Food Drive( Mt. Si Food Ball).
  • Fall City Businesses (sponsorships).
  • Speakers that draw in the community (Leverage Council for speakers).
  • Partner with other district PTSA’s for events and strategies.


E.      Support

  • Ensure we have a network of people to support the ongoing programs in our school.
  • Create categories that people may be interested in and have them sign up to help where they have a passion, experience, knowledge, and skills for a time slot they are available (Hour of power).
  • Leverage Meet your Teacher and Curriculum nights to get people to sign up to volunteer.
  • Ask teachers if they know of parents, friends, community, that would be willing to volunteer in an area of interest.
  • Regularly thank volunteers and members.
  • Leverage businesses that have PTA programs that provide volunteers and cash.  (i.e. Kohls, Target)


F.       Student Enrichment
Show our Fall City Elementary Community where there is an opportunity to help enrich our children (i.e. expand their knowledge, skills, creativity).

  • Inform our families on local and state legislation important to FCES.
  • Facilitate ways our families can take action in support of the legislation issues important to FCES.

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